WhatsApp with AI: How it will incorporate its own ChatGPT

In an increasingly connected world, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential tool for improving the user experience in applications and platforms.

WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, is not lagging behind and is working on incorporating its own AI-based virtual assistant: MetaIA. In this article, we will explore how WhatsApp plans to implement this technology and how you can try it out.

What is MetaIA and how does it work?

MetaIA is an artificial intelligence developed by Meta (formerly known as Facebook) to be a standalone application that will be integrated into all of its social networks, including Instagram, Facebook and, of course, WhatsApp.

Although there are still no official details about its release date, we know that MetaIA is already being Beta tested on Android devices and will later be tested on iOS mobiles.

The tool will allow WhatsApp users to use it directly from the search bar in the chats screen.

MetaIA features:

1. Characteristics of MetaIA:

Similar to ChatGPT, MetaIA will offer the possibility to generate stickers, images and answers to questions.

Users will be able to use it to search for information and get quick answers.

2. Full Integration:

MetaIA will be added to all Meta’s social networks, which means it will be available on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.

This will enable a consistent and seamless experience across all applications.

3. Test the Preliminary Version:

Currently, you can test MetaIA on WhatsApp by downloading the preliminary version of WhatsApp Beta on Android devices.

Log in to play.google.com/apps/testing/com.whatsapp with your Google account and become a tester to access the beta version.

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